
Brian Evenson, "Legion," Black Warrior Review 35.1

The only way this will make sense to you is if I tell the story not how I understand it now, but tailor it to the way my research suggests you think. But then, if I am not careful, it becomes a story which, while starting to reveal something, will still always miss the point.

Be that as it may. Considering what our interactions are soon to be, we should make an effort.


Liz Countryman, "We Were Filled with Longing for the Previous Night," Black Warrior Review 35.1

A naked guy with a beard salutes from a poster
and sometimes I talk to him, other times I don't feel like it.
Every morning the birds want something so loudly
it makes everyone get up.

[MFA Thesis pdf link]


Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

Could the tiny birds be sifting through me right now, birds winging through the gaps between my cells, touching nothing, but quickening in my tissues, fleet?


Ben Mirov, "Sleepless Night Ghost," Caketrain #6

If we are ever in a car together, I hope light pours through the windshield.


Jean Genet, The Thief's Journal

"But where does he get that spit," I would ask myself, "where does he bring it up from? Mine will never have the unctuousness or color of his. It will merely be spun glassware, transparent and fragile."